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The Process


Pitch Day & Selection




Social Networking





Giving a Presentation

Pitch Day & Selection

This is the day when the start-ups have an opportunity to present in front of a panel of future mentors/investors. The companies must come well prepared to present their idea and the current phase of the company. The founders also have the opportunity to meet other qualified mentors with whom they can network with.  

"Pitch" days are held twice a year. The selected companies will go through the program for 6 months during which they will receive mentor-ship, social networking, possible investments and graduate through demo day, where the founders will have an opportunity to present in front of a panel of potential investors. 

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During this time the founders and the company associates will have opportunity to have group and 1 on 1 mentor-ships with industry professionals. The founders will have the opportunity to meet other start-up founders. They can brainstorm and benchmark from each other. The founders can seek mentor-ship in areas their business is currently focused on. 


Social Networking

We start with a meeting with all the founders selected during the cycle. The founders usually build relations with their mentors. We also host workshops with successful leaders in the industry which serves as a platform for further networking. 



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The team will guide the founders through different forms of raising capital for their companies. This typically happens before the demo day. The founders will be educated on different ways to raise capital for their business. This is also a chance for the team to decide the possibility of a monetary investment. The team will also prepare the founders to understand their financial requirements to help seek the appropriate amount to allocate accordingly and grow the business.  


Demo Day

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Demo Day is the day when the founders who have successfully gone through the incubator & accelerator program has the opportunity to present their business growth and vision to potential investors that can further help scale their business. The team prepares the founders for this day. Demo Day is also graduation day. The businesses are said to have gone through a maturing and growth phase during their time with the program. They have built the networks needed to continue to grow their business. They have the opportunity to walk away with investors who are willing to invest in their business. In other words, the businesses are ready to fly and continue to make our world and economy a better place to live in. 

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